Covering a vast amount of news sources with respect to the textile sector and continuously updated, the online news portal, with its rich content under categories such as, Fibers-Yarn, Weaving, Knitting, Technical Textiles, Finishing,Technology and Apparel, is being visited by an average of 20.000 users per month. The website http://www.textotex.com/en/, which is formed bilingually, in Turkish and English, giving place to news regarding the textile industry, can be easily accessed via the internet by many industry representatives from Turkey and the world. At http://www.textotex.com/en/, ranging from the latest news from the textile world, developments within the industry, exhibitions that will be held in the future to national and foreign fashion weeks, various information can be reached and with the ads that you place in this area, you can attain a great number of users.



Tekstil Business Publishing has been covering all segments of textile sector and giving agency services for manufacturers, companies and institutions for several years. Product and brand promotional works, advertising and poster designs, and other media services have been provided by our institution on request from companies.

Written, visual and web based media access services provided by 3X Agency. The agency supports textile industry in their efforts directed at market. In addition, 3X Agency is the Turkish and regional agency of important exhibitions in global textile arena and ready-wear industries.